e-mail me! ICQ:38563619



Home - The first page of the new site.

What's new? - All of my updates are here in detail

About me - All I'm willing to tell about my self!

The Galleries - The many galleries of my work, and there's a fanart gallery too.

Animations - Little animated Gifs for you to enjoy, they're not great, so don't expect miracles!

Links - some of my favouite websites, by friends and others.

Awards - Do You think my site's worthy of an award? Then please give me one!!

Linking to me - You like my site? Then please link me!

Adopt an Anime Baby! - That's right You love your favourite characters, now you can adopt them!


Here's the gallery of me and my online buddy Liliy! The character Liliy is of Her copyright and so should not be used by anyone unless you ask her. If you do with to use any of the images from this Gallery, you'll have to e-mail us both! Go to My Dear Ash Ketchum for Liliy's e-mail address.

This is one of Emily and Liliy with their instuments

Here's a funny expression from Emily! Madness!

Wow! Cool outfits! ^_^

Ahhh! Hugs! This is a nice picture I think!

He he! A lot of my friends think she looks like a sumo wrestler here! ^_^

Ahh! This was before I was going out with Peter, I used to get really upset and she was so nice to me! Thanks Liliy! *^_^*

(paint) I got this idea from Liliy's website where she'd drawn a picture of her dressed as Eeve! Enjoy!

(Paint) heres a cool one! It's me and Liliy (suprise surprise) looking out of a big stone window onto Corfu! ^_^ My friend Vicky sent me the Post-card and I used it as the scene! Thanks Vicky!

(paint) well technically Paint Shop Pro! But Nya!! This is just a picture of us having a laugh! ^_^

(paint) I did this ages ago, but I didn't like it much because it's not very proportional!! But hey, I'd like it if it was! ^_^


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